Work Out — Blog — Coach Craig Moore

Work Out

MY BOOTCAMP by Debra Tobin - Alexander

Who would have thought that opening up your local paper could give you more energy and help with weight loss and this almost sounds like one of those ads on TV, “But wait there’s more” what a cliché however in this case its true.

My name is Debs, I’m a 46 year old farmer and I need to lose 10 kg, there I said it, its out there and now I have to do something about it.  I’m on the go all the time with the farm and the animals, I look after them, better than I do myself, I live too far from town to do the take away thing and my pantry and fridge do hold a lot of healthy foods, but my weight problem is not eating poorly nor eating too much, my weight problem comes from not eating on a regular basis and also not doing enough aerobic & strengthening exercises.