Hi Sugar Challengers, below are some recipes we have been using during the challenge. I hope these help, please email me any good recipes you have found and we'll try them and add to the list!
Sugar Challenge Update
Well so far so good! The first weekend without sugar was definitely the hardest, but I survived and I'm sticking to the challenge. So far I've lost 1.3kg and I've not been exercising much or doing anthing else. My diet has stayed the same albiet without sugar or products containing more than 4g sugar per 100g/mls. I've also lost 1cm off my waistline. I'm finding now that I don't crave sugar nor do I look for sweets in the pantry (which we have - tempting me!) like I use to. It will be interesting in December when I try a sugary product to see what happens, you have to admit sugar is pretty addictive!
The Sugar Challenge
After watching Nigel Latta:Is Sugar the new Fat?, my wife and I decided to set ourselves a Sugar Challenge for October. We both want to improve our health and sugar awareness, so we put the below challenge together (not sure how I will cope without Cake!). I intend to get a health check before and after to measure any changes, we would love for you to join us and the rest of the team doing the challenge.
Christmas Training
Another year has gone by and things have been very busy on the Tri-Planet front. I’ve been doing a lot of work with athletes on swim and run technique, keep an eye on the website and Facebook next year for useful pieces of information that will really help you. I’ve also had the privilege of helping with the TriNZ High Performance Junior South Island development weekend as well coaching and training the juniors for the Canterbury Triathlon Club.
Change New Years Resolutions to Goals
Happy New Year everyone. Now that the festive season is behind us and the reality of being back at work has hit home, we tend to reflect on the last year or look towards the new year.
A lot of people have made New Years Resolutions but how many of us actually follow through with them?? We make that first initial step to say “I want to change or dosomething” and sometimes thats are far as we get. Most people tend to look towards improving their health and why wouldn’t you it's the most important one but the least important on your list of priorities! How often do you say to yourself, I should check to see what I’m eating and make sure I’m getting enough fluids. I bet you never say i should book myself in for a full medical and make sure my health is in order!
MY BOOTCAMP by Debra Tobin - Alexander
Who would have thought that opening up your local paper could give you more energy and help with weight loss and this almost sounds like one of those ads on TV, “But wait there’s more” what a cliché however in this case its true.
My name is Debs, I’m a 46 year old farmer and I need to lose 10 kg, there I said it, its out there and now I have to do something about it. I’m on the go all the time with the farm and the animals, I look after them, better than I do myself, I live too far from town to do the take away thing and my pantry and fridge do hold a lot of healthy foods, but my weight problem is not eating poorly nor eating too much, my weight problem comes from not eating on a regular basis and also not doing enough aerobic & strengthening exercises.
Nutrition Workshop
I've had a lot of people ask me about nutrition in recent months so Tri-Planet has teamed up with NutriFit to bring to you a Nutrition Workshop that will help improve your diet and understanding of nutrition. I have used the Nutrifit principles and meal plans and find these easy to use and easy to maintain. Before using the Nutrifit principles I was training twice a day and couldn't work out why I wasn't loosing weight. What I realised was that I had my diet and eating regime completely wrong. I was eating the wrong type of food at the wrong time of day, doh!
Outdoor Fitness Goes Indoors
This summers session saw a lot of people making some great progress with their fitness and also their weight. As the muscles have strengthened people have been able to run who previously couldn't; still have to work on those burpees though! I was even surprised last night by how fast Woodsey is over 50 yards! Interesting to hear that he only seems to run fast for his own quick singles in cricket?!
Outdoor Fitness
I’ve had plenty of time to think over the Christmas break, which is sometimes bad news for my Tri-Planet athletes, but after too many bowls of Christmas pudding and too much beer I’ve come up with a training programme to work off those Christmas mince pies! The Outdoor Fitness programme is designed for people of all abilities and is ideal for anyone wanting to lose some weight or get back into fitness after an extended period of inactivity. It’s also a good way to start getting your fitness up to speed for the winter sporting season. Unlike the triathlon programme this course requires nothing other than a drink, shoes and some cloths to exercise in, although when the sun is out make sure you bring your cool sunglasses.
This programme involves a variety of training techniques and principals that will involve resistance training, circuits, running/walking, plyometric and more all done outside (rain or shine). These are designed to get you fit, lose weight and build some core strength, however I do advise that if you have not done any exercise for quite some time then please check with your doctor first to make sure all is in good working order. Furthermore I’m going to organising a few social outings along the way to add some fun to all the training.
Nutrition is an important part of any training so as part of the programme I will also provide you with some basic nutrition information to help you get the right food into your system, the right fuel = more energy and a healthier body. It will also aid muscle recovery after exercise and helps with weight loss. For professional nutrition advice I recommend you go to NutriFit and purchase the ebooks, they provide excellent in-depth nutrition advice and nutrition plans.
The programme will be run in Dudley park, Rangiora for 8 weeks and will involve 3 training sessions a week, for more information or to book go to the Outdoor Fitness programme. If you have any questions feel free to contact me here: https://coachcraigmoore.com/contact/