Well so far so good! The first weekend without sugar was definitely the hardest, but I survived and I'm sticking to the challenge. So far I've lost 1.3kg and I've not been exercising much or doing anthing else. My diet has stayed the same albiet without sugar or products containing more than 4g sugar per 100g/mls. I've also lost 1cm off my waistline. I'm finding now that I don't crave sugar nor do I look for sweets in the pantry (which we have - tempting me!) like I use to. It will be interesting in December when I try a sugary product to see what happens, you have to admit sugar is pretty addictive!
Winter Training Tips
Winter is without a doubt the most difficult time of year to train. Not only do you have limited hours of light and sometimes freezing cold weather but motivation is also hard to maintain! It’s easy to say “It’s raining I’m not training”, or “It’s too cold”.
#1 Motivation
Why not start here! For everyone it’s different, but I find goal setting the easiest way to maintain motivation, races certainly help with this. If there are no races then plan your training with a few swim, bike or run time-trials each month.